Clinical Pathology

At Om Laboratory, we provide comprehensive diagnostic services that include detailed urine and stool examinations, essential for assessing overall health and detecting a wide range of medical conditions. Our fully automated urine analyzer ensures the highest level of accuracy and efficiency in urine analysis, allowing for a thorough examination of various parameters such as pH levels, specific gravity, presence of proteins, glucose, ketones, blood, and other critical markers.

Urine examinations are vital in diagnosing kidney and urinary tract infections, as well as in monitoring conditions like diabetes and liver disorders. Stool examinations, on the other hand, are crucial for identifying gastrointestinal issues, infections, and conditions related to digestion, absorption, or parasitic infestations.

By employing advanced automation technology in our testing process, we ensure rapid and precise results, minimizing human error while providing timely information to healthcare professionals. This allows for early detection and better management of health conditions. At Om Laboratory, our commitment to high standards of diagnostic excellence helps ensure that our patients receive the most reliable and prompt medical care possible.

Clinical Pathology Test
Urine Routine
Stool Routine
Stool+Occult Blood
Semen Analysis
Urine Pregnancy ( UPT )
Pleural Fluid®
Stone Analysis(Urinary)
Urine Albumin / Creatinine Ratio ( UACR )
Synovial Fluid
Ascitic Fluid/Peritoneal
24 hrs Urine AFB
24 hrs Urine Calcium
24 hrs Urine Creatinine
24 hrs Urine Creatinine Clearance
24 hrs Urine Protien (Albumin)
24 hrs Urine VMA
Stool With Reducing Sugar
Urine For Microalbumin
Bence Jones Protien
ADA(adenosine Deaminase)
24 hrs Urine Protien Creatine Ratio

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