
Microbiology is a vital branch of medical science that focuses on the detection, identification, and study of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, which are often responsible for infections and diseases. At Om Laboratory, our microbiology department plays a crucial role in diagnosing infectious diseases by analyzing various clinical specimens, including blood, urine, stool, sputum, and swabs from different body sites.

We use advanced techniques such as culture, sensitivity testing, and molecular methods like PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to accurately identify pathogens and determine their susceptibility to antibiotics. This helps clinicians prescribe the most effective treatments, especially in an era of rising antibiotic resistance.

Our laboratory adheres to strict protocols to ensure accurate and timely results, which are essential for managing conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs), respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Additionally, our microbiologists work closely with clinicians to monitor outbreaks, assess infection control measures, and guide public health initiatives.

At Om Laboratory, we are committed to delivering high-quality microbiological services that contribute to improved patient outcomes and effective disease management.

Gram Stain
AFB Stain / ZN Stain
Sputum Routine
Skin Clip Examination
KOH Mount for Fungus
PAS Stain for Fungus
India Ink Preparation for Cryptococcus
Albert Stain
AFB Culture
AFB Culture with 1st Line Drugs
AFB Culture with 1st & 2nd Line Drugs
Blood Culture ( BD Bactec FX40 )
Fungal C/S
Urine C/S ( Microscan Walkway 40 plus )
Pus / Stool / Sputum / Semen / Fluid C/S (Micoscan Walkway 40 Plus)
Anaerobic C/S
Stent / Drain / Catheter / Swab C/S ( Micoscan Walkway 40 Plus )
OT Surveillance (OT and ICU Surveillance for Medicolegal Safety)
Operation Theatre Surveillance
Surveillance Swab
Settled Plate
Biological Indicator
Sterility Check
ICU Surveillance
Surveillance Swab Report
Microbiology Test
AFB Culture
AFB Culture with 1st Line Drugs
AFB Culture with 1st & 2nd Line Drugs
Blood Culture ( BD Bactec FX40 )
Fungal C/S
Urine C/S ( Microscan Walkway 40 plus )
Pus / Stool / Sputum / Semen / Fluid C/S (Micoscan Walkway 40 Plus)
Anaerobic C/S
Stent / Drain / Catheter / Swab C/S ( Micoscan Walkway 40 Plus )
Gram Stain
AFB Stain / ZN Stain
Sputum Routine
Skin Clip Examination
KOH Mount for Fungus
PAS Stain for Fungus
India Ink Preparation for Cryptococcus
Albert Stain

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